Walk About The Farm

Think I first came out to Jill’s family farm around the mid 1980s, a year or two after we met up in college studying photography. We’ve photographed the hell out of it over the years so we don’t do it so often any more, it’s like getting blood from a cliché finding something new to capture. With Lockdown2.020 in place there’s only so many things to shot within a 5km radius, and unlike in a city or an industrial area farmlands are not known for diversity, nor providing artificial night lights. Walking around the farm a week or so ago I was surprised by how much space once occupied by apple trees isn’t any more. It makes the whole place feel different. I guess that’s what happens when you get older, you don’t really notice all the small changes that happen over time until something pushes it over the tipping point and it never really feels the same any more even when it’s kind of familiar.
