5km Lockdown: Rolestown Route 1 (7km)

Another 7km walk done. Trying to do each walk with a different lens, just to keep my eye in working order for whenever we get back to shooting weddings regularly. Doing one or two here and there is fine, but I miss having 8 or 9 of them stacked up to process.

Camera: Canon 5Dmkiv
Lens: Sigma 35mm f1.4 ART

Today’s Podcast Listening:
Roger Deakins is a master cinematographer. First time I remember noticing his name was on the film 1984, the one with John Hurt and Richard Burton. It wasn’t until the Coen Brothers’ Barton Fink that his work really began to pop for me, especially in terms of composition and seeing things in a different way. His resume is second to none, everything from Fargo to No Country for Old Men, True Grit to Bladerunner 2047 and 1917. This is a lovely cast: the tables are turned on Roger and his wife James when cinematographer Greig Fraser (Zero Dark Thirty, Lion, Dune, and The Batman) hosts the conversation, primarily about The work Team Deakins did on The Shawshank Redemption, but with digressions and anecdotes branching off wherever the flow takes them.

Route 1 - 7km
Lispopple Crossroads, past Kettles Country House Hotel, avoiding the temptation of their tasty bastard munchies, on along The Rath, then pass by Dymphna's Equestrian Centre - the halfway mark - and then around by Balcultry Equestrian Centre for the homeward stretch.